Welcome to Sandy Ridge Academy!
Sandy Ridge Academy, Inc. the legal authority, is a private nursery school and preschool with before and after care program. The nursery school portion of the day is for children ages 2 through 4 years of age on or before September 1 with certain exceptions allowed for age. The nursery school operates Monday-Friday with optional times of 9 am to 1pm or 9am to 3pm daily. The year-round child care is for children ages 18 months to 12 years and operates from 7:30am to 6pm Monday through Friday with established before and after care hours for school-age children. Sandy Ridge Academy is located in Gaithersburg, Maryland in the educational building of a community church. Funding is through private pay tuition, contributions, and grants.

A team approach between families and staff is used in assessing each child and planning individual goals and objectives. Our curriculum is administered in a structured child and teacher directed manner with a strong emphasis on reading/language arts, math, fine motor/written expression, science, and social studies as appropriate to each child’s developmental and chronological age. All facets of the child's development are addressed including: language, cognitive, gross, fine and sensory motor, and personal care. The learning environment is also created to promote positive social and emotional growth. Resources are provided to families to access community opportunities for their children. Conferences are also held at least twice yearly to review individual child progress, accomplishments, and milestones. Ongoing communication is fostered with the belief that a strong partnership between Sandy Ridge Academy staff and families is the link to greater child success.

The class sizes and ratios are based on state regulations. The children are grouped taking age, size, and ability level into consideration. The classes are staffed with an MSDE licensed teacher, teacher assistant, and a volunteer or additional teacher assistants depending on the aforementioned factors. Nursery school teachers have 4 year degrees and are licensed by MSDE as a preschool teacher. Child care teachers must have a minimum of a high school degree, experience working with children, and required courses in infant, early childhood, or school-age care depending on their assigned age group. Teacher substitutes for the nursery school must hold a four year degree from an accredited university. Staff develops behavioral management programs as needed following academy policies and procedures as the guideline. Sandy Ridge Academy uses a positive approach to both learning and play nurturing and respecting the multiple intelligences and varied learning styles of each child. Sandy Ridge Academy is approved by the Maryland State Board of Education. It is open to children and employees regardless of race, color, gender, and national origin. Sandy Ridge Academy will work closely with parents and guardians on the admission process and as appropriate in alliance with pediatricians, educational liaisons, child advocates, or social workers.
Cost: Tuition is private pay. Sandy Ridge Academy accepts child care subsidy as partial or full payment. Transportation is provided by the family/guardian.

CALL FOR A TOUR! (301) 926-2233

205 South Summit Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Tel: (301) 926-2233
Fax: (301) 926-1341
Contacts: Eileen Coyne, Director
Evelyn Dy, Co-Director